Water System Operating at 100%
The Rayford Road MUD water system is operating at 100%. The MUD is experiencing a high volume of calls.
The Rayford Road MUD water system is operating at 100%. The MUD is experiencing a high volume of calls.
The Rayford Road Municipal Utility District will hold a public hearong on a proposed tax rate for the tax year 2019 on September 9, 2019 at 6:30 PM at 27316 Spectrum Way, Oak Ridge North, Texas 77385.
Your individual taxes may increase or decrease, depending on the change in taxable value of all other property and the tax rate that is adopted.
In observance of Independence Day, there will be no trash collection on Thursday, July 4th. Trash collection will resume on Monday, July 8th.
In observance of Memorial Day, there will be no trash collection on Monday, May 27th. Trash collection will resume on the next scheduled service day.
In observance of Thanksgiving, there will be no trash collection on Thursday, November 22nd. Trash collection will resume on the next scheduled service day.